Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Crunch Practice

Static Park - Crunch Practice

1st of all check out this awesome cover art by my wife Carlotta Skb (did I mention she also makes noise as The Girl With The Stanley Knife ?) She's taking calligraphy lessons and this is a mix of her growing skills and the piece of paper she uses to get rid of the excessive ink from the quill. Love it.

On to the sounds. If you're familiar with my other projects, you'll have noticed that I've taken a more laid-back approach to noise-making with Static Park. I've been listening to lo-fi and very raw music a lot in my life but somehow I couldn't help myself being very obsessive on details with my own stuff.

With this project I think I've somehow managed to let go a little, focus on the essential (which is the feelings I'm trying to convey, being a little more 'honest'..) and make rawer noise. This goes back to what I was saying about Richard Ramirez in a previous post, so use the ''tags'' button if you're interested..

So anyway, I'm now going as far as making public what I consider ''practice sessions'', in this case I was looking for the Holy Grail of HNW, the ''crunch''. I extracted about 15 minutes from these sessions when I thought I hit interesting results.

Gear-wise it's the return of the Zvex Fuzz Factory. Distortions for track 1 are Rat & Bass Big Muff, for track 2 it's Super Crunch Box & Metal Muff Nano (alternatively)

Listen / Download here

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