Showing posts with label Carrion Black Pit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carrion Black Pit. Show all posts

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Static Park Questionnaire 14 - Carrion Black Pit

 Carrion Black Pit

01 What is your name / age / nationality ?
Elias Cheika Jr / 30 years old / I'm from Brazil, born in the south but now located in São Paulo Harsh Noise City.
02 How did you get into noise ?
I was always interested in various genres of music, with a rock oriented backbone, but my first music memories are from my father listening to Kraftwerk. I think I discovered Merzbow thru Mike Patton, searching for his side projects, but I really didn't "get it". Then, digging deep on Piero Scaruffi list of best rock albums, I ended up listening to stuff like Foetus, Captain Beefheart, Faust, Royal Trux, Butthole Surfers, Suicide... Parallel to that I was making eletronic music very influenced by Kraftwerk, Prodigy, Venetian Snares and perhaps even more by movie soundtracks from Goblin, Fabio Frizzi, Morricone, John Carpenter. It was funny to listen to something like Vampire Rodents or Foetus and see similarities to the stuff I was doing without prior knowledge of that.

Then I listened to The Residents intensively and SPK Information Overload Unit and everything started to make more sense. Pulse Demon was then the great revelation, followed by Incapacitants, Guilty Connector... For HNW I must name The Rita Bodies Bear Traces Of Carnal Violence as the gateway, along with various material by Werewolf Jerusalem. I also must say that I am a metalhead (for better or worse), so, my "metal taste" was getting extreme along the way and that surely contributed to this process (Napalm Death, Godflesh, black metal, etc). Making my own noise consolidated this journey.

03 How did you choose the name of your project / What does it mean to you ?

Carrion Black Pit is an expression I found while researching Lovecraft and John Carpenter (both masters), it is present in the (great) movie In The Mouth of Madness. Sleep of Ages is one name I came up with, without any background, formely a possible name for my thrash metal band. I also have the EXU project, more in the PE/Industrial vein. That name came from Macumba and it's "deities".

04 Which one of your releases would make the best entry point into your work ?

Well, that is like asking what is your favorite son... It is a problem to name a release because I usually like to have varied approaches to noisemaking. But, I will not stay on the fence. I'll narrow down to releases I made available for free on my Bandcamp pages: For Sleep of Ages, a very "schizo" project (harsh noise, industrial, drone, PE, collage, whatever), I would recommend Serenades For The Unbaptized Recently Deceased, that is short and covers a lot of ground.

Then perhaps one of the Pepla albums (Sword and Sandals or Peplum) that were my first, more raw, direct and still a little HNW infused albums. Man, I must update that page...

For Carrion Black Pit, even if the project ends up being more focused than SoA, there are still variations on it. Mythos is perhaps best for straight HNW obliteration. Anatomy Studies tackles with more progressive (?) HNW, ANW...

Then, for something closer to where I am now, The Fourth Wall incorporates both aspects and use it on some kind of "narration" form, as absurd as it may sound.

For EXU, well, I got a free album on bandcamp that I am not 100% happy with  it is too long and diluted perhaps. But a lot of the ideas I wanna explore and further develop are there.

For a better presentation I must direct you to my recent split with Shiver, on Diazepam Records. Way more focused and closer to what I want from the project.

I will be uploading more material on the next weeks on both CBP and SoA pages.

05 How do you record ? (live, sequencing, multi-tracking etc..)

I used line to my PC Audio Interface, line in to my 4-Track Tape Recorder, and Amp to both. I usually edit and layer sounds on software, but sometimes I use a whole live session or part of it. I really enjoy experimenting with every part of the process, so, I don't follow a strict Modus Operandi.

06 What is your favorite piece of gear ?

I enjoy Boss distortion pedals a lot (Metal Zone, Heavy Metal, Hyper Metal, Mega Distortion), as I do my Capitol Punishment Utopia, and more recently my Miniak (thanks A LOT Xdugef). But, if I take in consideration what I most used, I should say cheap microfones, cheap Behringer mixer and my throat.

07 Do you play live ? How is it different from your releases ?

I played like just once, and I should do it more. I played as Sleep of Ages, tried to follow some "script" and it ended up being "dance noise" according to my good friend Jhones (from God Pussy).

You can watch it HERE 
08 Who would you like to collab / make a split with ?

I like to do collabs with non established people, newcomers, or just "working class" like myself (not in terms of quality, but "hype"/renown, there are plenty of unsung heroes of noise). I mean, that's the people I usually ask to do a split with, I just despise this "marketing strategy" of doing lots of splits with big names to gather attention quickly and cheaply. I strayed from this path once and I feel really bad for it. That being said, I have no problem at all if someone ask me to do a split with them, or if the label suggest me someone that myself would not contact for being "too big". Like, I was floored when Dustin (from Crown of Bone, Occult Supremacy Records) suggested a CBP split with Vomir  that was great, made me feel awesome to have my project along such an incredible artist and great person.

09 Do you listen to other types of sound/music ? Which ones ?

As I said above, yes. All kinds. Really.

10 What is your favorite record at the moment ?

My playlist changes every week. lately I've been listening to a lot of Kyuss, Pinkish Black, raw black metal (Bone Awl, Akitsa, old Mayhem...), Sleaford Mods, Wormed, Deathspell Omega, Portal and blackened hardcore (or something like that) like Black Anvil, Enabler. Moz from TEETH ENGRAVED WITH THE NAMES OF THE DEAD just showed me this Ninika 2012 EP of his that is awesome, lots of Khanate/Gnaw vibes in there.